
2022 SDGs學術論文獎

  • 2022 年 11 月 18 日
  • 投稿截止日為民國 111 年 10 月 14 日
  • 活動已結束


【宗旨 Purpose】 

財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會(Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, TAISE)及財團法人中鼎教育基金會(CTCI Education Foundation, CTCI EF)為推動及鼓勵國內大學院校與企業致力永續發展等相關學術、知能應用之研究發展,第七屆「SDGs學術論文獎」延續過去6年學術論文獎辨理之經驗,年度定期辦理的主題性學術論文獎,希望藉此強化國內外永續發展領域的知識交流、溝通與互動。鼓勵產官學研與NGO各界致力於永續相關的學術研究和計畫、知能應用與善盡社會責任,盼能加速永續知能的傳遞、樹立永續典範,鼓勵優良之研究隨之強化永續轉型之效。

Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) and CTCI Education Foundation (CTCI EF) are committed to promoting and encouraging academic, knowledge application, and research development, relevant to sustainable development among domestic universities and enterprises. The 7th "SDGs Academic Paper Award" forward the experience of the “Academic Paper Award” in the past 6 years. Strengthen knowledge exchange, communication, and interaction in the field of sustainable development globally. In the hope of encouraging industry, government, universities, and NGOs to devote themselves to academic research and programs related to SDGs; application of knowledge; and capability to fulfill social responsibilities. Speed up the transmission of SDGs related knowledge, setting stander to encourage research on sustainability.


【主辦單位 Organizer】 


Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) and CTCI Education Foundation (CTCI EF)


【執行單位 Executive unit 


Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability(TACS)


【申請資格與組別 Application qualifications and groups】 


The application qualification is not limited to graduation thesis, journals, seminar papers or reports.



This award is not limited and accepts published or awarded papers, but the applicants must confirm the relevant regulations of other publications or awards, allowing published or awarded papers to attend other events.


  1. 碩士組:具國內大專院校碩士班學籍或是110、111學年應屆畢業生,並經指導教授推薦者。
    Master Group: Those who have a master's degree in a domestic college /university or graduate in the 110th or 111th academic year, and have been recommended by the advisor.

  2. 博士組:具國內大專院校博士班學籍或是110、111學年應屆畢業生,並經指導教授推薦者。
    PhD Group: Those who have a doctoral status in a domestic college/ university or graduate in the 110th or 111th academic year, and have been recommended by the advisor.

  3. 企業實務組:國內企業永續發展相關領域人員,並經任職企業具名推薦者。
    Corporate Practice Group: Personnel in relevant fields about sustainable development of domestic enterprises, and those who have been recommended by the company.


【申請日期 Date of Application】 

投稿截止日為民國 111 年 10 月 14 日。

Deadline for submissions : October 14, 2022.


【論文獎甄選篇數及獎金 Number of papers selected for the paper award and scholarship

  1. 「碩士論文獎」(含在職專班)6 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
    6 awarded papers for the "Master Thesis Award", including in‑service education program. Provide each awarded paper NT$20,000 scholarship.

  2. 「博士論文獎」5 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
    5 awarded papers for the "Doctoral Thesis Awards". Provide each awarded paper NT$20,000 scholarship.

  3. 「企業實務論文獎」5 篇,每篇獎學金新台幣貳萬元整。
    5 awarded papers for the "Corporate Practice Paper Awards". Provide each awarded paper NT$20,000 scholarship.

* 每位得獎學生及其指導教授將各獲頒獎狀一紙、獎牌一座;企業實務組獲獎者獲頒獎狀一紙。(獎金將根據各類所得扣繳率標準進行扣稅)
Each winning student and his advisor will be awarded a certificate and a medal; the winners of the corporate practice group will be awarded a certificate. (Scholarship will be tax deducted based on different income withholding rates.)


【重要時程 Important timeline】 

  1. 徵文截稿期限:民國 111 年 10 月 14 日 (五)
    Deadline for paper submission:
    September 30, 2022 (Friday)

  2. 公布得獎名單:民國 111 年 10 月 28 日 (五)
    Announcement of the list of winners: October 28, 2022 (Friday)

  3. 頒獎典禮:民國 111 年 11 月 17 日 (四) 
    Award Ceremony: November 17, 2022 (Thursday) 


The organizer reserves the right to adjust or cancel the relevant schedule and selection methods.

跟進歐美!這些大學將聯合國17項SDGs放入課堂– CSRone 永續智庫
論文主題以  聯合國17項永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 相關議題為主


All themes of the papers should be related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UnitUnited Nations

The selection categories are divided into three aspects: Environment,  Economy, and Society.


【環境面】範例 (不限於以下主題):

  • 氣候變化與碳風險管理,能源轉型與管理及水資源管理等。

Example (not limited to the following topics) [Environmental Aspect]:

  • Climate change and carbon risk management, energy transition and management and water resources management, etc.



  • 創新經營與管理,綠色金融及財務投資與風險管理等

Example (not limited to the following topics) [Economic Aspect] :

  • Innovative operation and management, green finance, financial investment and risk management, etc.



  • 利害關係人鑑別與關鍵性議題分析,溝通效果評估與績效及社會共融之定義及其商業模式等

Example (not limited to the following topics) [Social Aspect] :

  • Identification of stakeholders and analysis of key issues, evaluation of communication effect and performance and definition and business model of social inclusion, etc.


  1. 欲投稿者請於台灣永續能源研究基金會 2022 SDGs學術論文獎 活動頁面報名;請依規定格式撰擬投稿論文(Word檔)、推薦信(PDF檔)及無違反學術論理聲明書(PDF檔),於民國 111 年 10 月 14 日前填寫報名表單及上傳文件。(本會將於10天內回覆確認收訖,若未收到回覆,請來電確認是否收訖)
  2. 本論文獎不限轉投其他刊物或獎項,惟須注意其他刊物或獎項之相關規定;所交之稿件與電子檔,無論獲獎與否概不退還。
  3. 本論文獎由台灣企業永續學院邀集國內永續發展相關領域學者與專家,組成論文獎審議委員會並選出優秀論文。
  4. 論文獎得者須依據審查意見,修改符合本獎論文內容及格式。
  5. 獲獎者之論文摘要規劃將於本會網站中刊出。
  6. 投稿論文若有違反學術論理者,將被取消參賽及得獎資格。


Submission specifications

  1. Please sign up through the official webpage of the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy “2022 SDGs Academic Paper Award”. To complete the registration, please upload your paper (Word File), recommendation letter (PDF), and no violation of academic ethics statement (PDF) in the prescribed format before September 30, 2022. (If no reply has been received within 10 days after submission, please contact us.)
  2. This award is not limited and accepts published or awarded papers, but the applicants must confirm the relevant regulations of other publications or awards, allowing published or awarded papers to attend other events. Whether the paper is awarded or not, the submitted files will not be returned.
  3. The papers will be selected by domestic scholars and experts in sustainable development-related fields who are invited by the Taiwan Academy of Corporate Sustainability(TACS).
  4. The winners of the award must revise the content and format of their papers according to the revision opinions of the judges.
  5. The abstracts of the winning papers will be published on TAISE's official website.
  6. Any submitted paper that violates academic ethics shall be disqualified from participating.



推薦信格式 Recommendation Letter  投稿論文格式 Format for submission paper  無違反學術論理聲明書 Non-violating Academic Theory Statement 


點我報名 Click for Sign Up

台灣永續能源研究基金會與中鼎教育基金會共同持續辦理『第七屆 2022 SDGs 學術論文獎』。旨在強化國內外永續發展領域的知識交流、溝通與互動,並鼓勵國內大專院校及企業共同致力永續發展等相關學術與產業應用研究。

本獎項自 2016 年起開始舉辦,原名為「CSR 學術論文獎」,後因應國際趨勢及學術研究潮流之發展而擴大範疇,並於2021年起更名為「SDGs 學術論文獎」,以 17 項聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)議題為主軸,並扣合「環境」、「經濟或治理」、「社會」等三大面向,鼓勵產官學研探討相關跨域整合問題。

本年度年共吸引 40 所學校及9家企業單位報名投稿,總報名篇數達 121 篇。經過評審團專業匿名的審查流程,本屆入選的碩士論文獎8 篇、博士論文獎 5 篇、企業實務論文獎3 篇,共計16件優選論文獲得。每篇獲獎學金新台幣貳萬元整,總金額高達新台幣32萬元整的「中鼎獎學金」。得獎名單敬請參閱圖一。

圖一、2022 SDGs學術論文獎得獎名單


屆學術論文獎頒獎典禮謹訂於「2022 GCSF全球企業永續論壇」之「大學永續成果分享會」中舉辦,時間為111年11月17日(四)上午9時30分至12時 假臺北圓山大飯店,誠摯邀請得獎者、指導教授以及論文參賽者親臨現場觀禮。相關會議資訊與報名方式,連結為:https://www.surveycake.com/s/DgLyX

台灣企業永續學院 (TACS)

聯絡電話:(02)2769-8968 #813 楊小姐





票券名稱 票價 報名狀態 報名
