- 2023 年 10 月 13 日
- 09:00~17:00
- 交通部集思國際會議中心 3F國際會議廳(台北市中正區杭州南路一段24號)
- 活動已結束
時間:2023年10月13日 (五) 09:00~17:00
地點:交通部集思國際會議中心 3F國際會議廳(台北市中正區杭州南路一段24號)
時間Time |
主題Topic |
內容Content |
講者Speaker |
08:30-09:00 |
報到Registration |
09:00-09:05 |
開場與嘉賓唱名 Opening and Introduction of Guests |
主持人開場及介紹與會來賓 Opening and Introduction of Guests |
09:05-09:20 |
主辦單位致詞 Opening Remarks by the Organizers |
簡又新大使致歡迎詞 Welcome Address by Dr. Eugene Chien UN SDG SUMMIT Conclusions& Trends |
永續發展目標聯盟理事長 TAISE台灣永續能源研究基金會董事長 Dr. Eugene Chien Chairman of Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals, Chairman of Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy |
09:20-09:40 |
領袖主題演說 Leaders’Dialogue |
全球永續發展趨勢下—臺灣的淨零轉型策略 “Scaling up actions on key transitions to accelerate SDG progress” |
國家發展委員會 龔明鑫 主委 Ming-Hsin Gong, Chairman of the National Development Council |
09:40-09:50 |
合影Photo Time |
09:50-10:10 |
European Union 2023 Voluntary national reviews summary |
歐洲經貿辦事處 European Economic and Trade Office |
10:10-10:30 |
Canada 2023 Voluntary national reviews summary |
加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 Canadian Trade Office in Taipei |
10:30-10:50 |
Singapore 2023 Voluntary national reviews summary |
新加坡駐台北商務辦事處 Singapore Trade Office in Taipei |
10:50-11:10 |
領袖主題演說 Leaders’Dialogue |
“Building resilience and leaving no one behind” SDG2 實(食)物銀行政策 SDG2 Food Bank Policy |
衛福部 李麗芬 次長 |
11:10-12:00 |
領袖主題演說 Leaders’Dialogue |
“Game-changers: Applying science, technology, innovation and data for transformative action” |
經濟部 曾文生 次長 Wen-Sheng Tseng, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs |
SDG 永續行動實績 SDG Sustainable Action Achievements |
SDG12榮成高校資源利用技術 SDG 12: Longchen P&P High Efficiency Resource Reuse Technology |
榮成紙業 林器暉主任 |
SDG9 數位轉型實現永續製造 SDG9: Achieving Sustainable Manufacturing through Digital Transformation |
12:00-13:30 |
中場休息Intermission |
13:30-14:00 |
報到Registration |
14:00-14:05 |
開場與嘉賓唱名 Opening and Introduction of Guests |
主持人開場及介紹與會來賓 Opening and Introduction of Guests |
14:05-14:20 |
主辦單位致詞 Opening Remarks by the Organizers |
申永順 秘書長Secretary-General Shen Yongshun UN SDG SUMMIT Conclusions& Trends |
TCSA台灣企業永續獎 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards |
14:20-15:10 |
領袖主題演說 Leaders’Dialogue |
“Unity and Solidarity: Strengthening the multilateral system for enhanced support, cooperation and follow-up and review on the SDGs” |
環境部 氣候變遷署 蔡玲儀 署長 Ling-Yi Tsai, Director-General of the Climate Change Agency, Ministry of the Environment |
SDG 永續行動實績 SDG Sustainable Action Achievements |
SDG13 極端氣候下的韌性農業 SDG13 Climate-Resilient Agriculture |
農業部花蓮區農業改良場 杜麗華 場長 Li Hwa Du, Director of Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station |
SDG13 打造台灣淨零永續醫院 SDG13: Build a Taiwan's sustainable and Net-Zero hospital |
衛生福利部雙和醫院 Ministry of Health and Welfare Shuang-Ho Hospital |
15:10-16:00 |
領袖主題演說Leaders’Dialogue |
“Mobilizing finance and investments and the means of implementation for SDG achievement” |
SDG 永續行動實績 SDG Sustainable Action Achievements |
SDG7 打造友善綠電交易環境 SDG7: Creating a Friendly Ecosystem for Renewable Energy Trading |
永豐銀行 法人金融處 廖嘉禾 副總經理 |
SDG12 實踐金融環境永續推手 SDG12: A Sustainable Promoter of The Practice Financial Environment |
16:00-17:00 |
領袖主題演說Leaders’Dialogue |
“Strengthening integrated policies and public institutions for achieving the SDGs” |
SDG 永續行動實績 SDG Sustainable Action Achievements |
SDG13 發光植物生技地方創生 SDG13: Biotechnology of Glowing Plants Applied in Regional Revitalization |
SDG17 SDGs Asia 永續國家隊 SDG17: SDGs Asia - The Sustainable Nation Team |
2024亞太永續博覽會籌備處 Team of 2024 SDG Asia |
17:00 |
活動結束End |
票券名稱 | 票價 | 報名狀態 | 報名 |